I am a programmer with eight years of working experience, which consists mainly of various projects based on Java platform, complex database applications, data analyses and presentations.
I have earned a master degree in Software Engineering and a bachelor degree in Computer Science. Through my studies, I have gained sizable experience in working with Open and Linked Data, as well as in implementing and extending classic dialog systems.
While programming is not only my job, but also long-time passion, I consider myself more of people person than a run-of-the-mill programmer. I truly enjoy connecting with non-technical people, understanding their needs in return, and translating them into elegant solutions based on working code. I welcome any opportunities that will allow me to continue to do so!
Ataccama Software, s.r.o.
SW engineer
member of SW engineering team working on a ‘Self-Driving’ Data Management & Governance platform, Ataccama One
freelance software developer and data analyst
programmer, data analyst
continued collaboration with ADOL Monitor s.r.o.
ADOL Monitor s.r.o.
programmer, lead programmer, data analyst
Working as programmer and data analyst at a company dedicated to monitoring and processing of unparalleled amount of exclusive data, modeling the market of real estates in the Czech Republic. Displayed in beautiful interactive maps with plethora of additional context, resulting in an invaluable tool whenever finding investment or business opportunities.
The company is the market leader and the largest local data provider of its kind. While it is renown for its high-quality products focused on auctions and foreclosed properties, it first made its name as the original Czech aggregator of all advertised real estates.
- Frequent co-organizer and participant of the most prestigious events and conferences in the real estates sector
- Preferred business partner of the largest real estate companies in the Czech Republic
- Integrated into the most popular applications supporting the business with real estates on the market
designer and programmer
Complete model and scraper for cadastral data
researcher and programmer
Thesis project automating assignment of RDF properties to numeric table columns, to semantically identify the relations formed between the columns and the subject of the table.
Datové sady
back end programmer and database administrator
A tool which allows non-technical users to efficiently execute customizable SQL queries from a set of templates, format the output, and turn it into deliverable files.
Estates watchdog, bankruptcies and distrainments monitor re-factoring
architect and programmer
Following a merger of ADOL Group and Monitor dražeb s.r.o., I was tasked to reorganize the structure and form of communication of several key legacy systems and expose their functionality through well-defined APIs, mainly to allow outsourcing of the presentation layer to front-end specialists, and to pave the way for their gradual replacement.
team lead and programmer
Student project dedicated to developing a comprehensive user-friendly tool for transforming tabular data to Linked Data.
- Presented at Semantics 2016 conference, Leipzig
VFK extension
designer and programmer
An extension of the official model of Czech cadastral data, to make it updatable from publicly available sources. As the established schema was too large to rewrite it manually, significant amount of schema generation from DB metadata was employed.
designer and programmer
Custom HTTP proxy and balancer managing unreliable nodes.
Monitoring of public bulletin boards for ČEPRO, a.s.
Adaptation of existing infrastructure to accommodate the client's requirements.
designer and programmer
Chrome browser extension (and its back end) supporting manual scraping of sites.
designer and programmer
Bachelor thesis project implementing advanced dialog management through augmented transition networks (ATN). The solution is remarkable in its adherence to the rather limited standard of AIML language, this allows deployment of the augmented bots in all standard interpreters without any modifications.
APortal - 3rd generation redesign
back end developer and front end developer
As my first major project for the company, I was tasked with feature overhaul of the breadwinning application, while turning it into new graphics provided by an external contractor. As the project started just before me joining in and lost its leader during its course, I had to step in to deliver, while making sure that the system remains operational for the active user base throughout the process.
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- NDBI036 - A Practical Approach to Database Systems
- NSWI126 - Advanced Tools for Software Development and Monitoring
- NDBI040 - Big Data Management and NoSQL Databases
- NPRG014 - Concepts of Modern Programming Languages
- NSWI144 - Data Integration and Quality
- NTIN066 - Data Structures I
- NSWI094 - Database Application Development
- NPRG024 - Design Patterns
- NTIN090 - Introduction to Complexity and Computability
- NSWI041 - Introduction to Software Engineering
- NPRG013 - Java
- NSWI080 - Middleware
- NSWI004 - Operating Systems
- NSWI035 - Principles of Distributed Systems
- NSWI149 - Software Engineering in Practice
- NPRG023 - Software Project
- NSWI130 - Software System Architectures
- NDBI016 - Transactions
- NSWI150 - Virtualization and Cloud Computing
- NSWI108 - Web Semantization
- NSWI145 - Web Services
Charles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
- NMAI062 - Algebra I
- NTIN060 - Algorithms and Data Structures I
- NTIN061 - Algorithms and Data Structures II
- NAIL069 - Artificial Intelligence I
- NAIL070 - Artificial Intelligence II
- NTIN071 - Automata and Grammars
- NDMI011 - Combinatorics and Graphs I
- NSWI133 - Commercial Workshops
- NSWI090 - Computer Networks I
- NSWI021 - Computer Networks II
- NDBI007 - Data Organisation and Processing I
- NDBI025 - Database Systems
- NDMI002 - Discrete Mathematics
- NPRG045 - Individual Software Project
- NSWI096 - Internet
- NPFL012 - Introduction to Computer Linguistics
- NSWI095 - Introduction to UNIX
- NMAI057 - Linear Algebra I
- NMAI058 - Linear Algebra II
- NMAI054 - Mathematical Analysis I
- NMAI055 - Mathematical Analysis II
- NMAI056 - Mathematical Analysis III
- NMAI069 - Mathematical skills
- NPRG005 - Non-procedural Programming
- NMAI042 - Numerical Mathematics
- NOPT048 - Optimization methods
- NSWI120 - Principles of Computers and Operating Systems
- NMAI059 - Probability and Statistics
- NPRG030 - Programming I
- NPRG031 - Programming II
- NPRG041 - Programming in C++
- NAIL062 - Propositional and Predicate Logic
- NPRG043 - Recommended Programming Practices
- NPRG046 - Software Praxis
- NPRG036 - XML Technologies
Discovering and Creating Relations among CSV Columns Using Linked Data Knowledge Bases
Master thesis
Development Environment Extending the Dialog Management Options of AIML
Bachelor thesis